Assessing Participation and Motivation in Engaged Pedagogy: A Study of Two Private Thai Universities’ International and English Programs in Chonburi

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Mary Grace Caccam Ulatan


          The purpose of this study was to determine the levels of participation and motivation in engaged pedagogy of students in two Thai private universities in Chonburi province who are enrolled in their International and English programs. This study also aims to establish the relationship between participation and motivation in the context of engaged pedagogy by utilizing descriptive-correlative quantitative research using a self-made questionnaire to survey university students’ perceptions.  An online Google form with its QR code and link was distributed to students’ online platforms and portals, and right after their class time during a school visit. After two weeks of gathering data, only 128 submitted their survey responses with a 23% response rate. For the statistical interpretation of the data, frequency count, percentage, weighted mean, ANOVA with Welch’s correction (ANOVA with unequal variance), and Pearson correlation coefficient (r) were utilized. The study found that the respondents have an overall high level of participation in engaged pedagogy in the context of learning tasks, activities, interactions, and roles inside and outside the classroom with a mean of 3.05, and a high level of motivation in involving themselves in engaged pedagogy with an overall mean of 3.18 according to the respondents’ aspirations, ideals, and support that contribute to their level of motivation. Further, the study concluded that the respondents’ universities and fields of specialization are not determining factors of their levels of participation and motivation in engaged pedagogy. However, there is a significant relationship between participation and motivation in engaged pedagogy, which implies that when students increase their level of participation in engaged pedagogy,   their level of motivation to involve themselves in it also increases.


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Article Details

Ulatan, M. G. C. (2024). Assessing Participation and Motivation in Engaged Pedagogy: A Study of Two Private Thai Universities’ International and English Programs in Chonburi. วารสารวิทยาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์, 3(2), 23–50. สืบค้น จาก