Willingness to Pay for Preferred Housing Attributes: A Case Study of Bangkok Bueng Sakae Ngam Senior Housing Project
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Currently, Thailand has entered an absolute aging society. Bangkok has therefore implemented the Bueng Sakae Ngam Senior Housing Project located in Khlong Sam Wa District of Bangkok to be a residence for the elderly by providing basic features and facilities to support standard living. The project is now under construction and it is expected to be completed by the year 2024. Once completed, it can accommodate about 400 elderly people. The aim of this research was to study the marginal willingness to pay for housing attributes by using the choice experiment method. The attributes included in this study are the facilities within the project, medical staff and personnels in the project and interior design of the project. The data were collected by using questionnaires from 240 civil servants and employees who work for Bangkok office aged 45-year-olds and over. Multinomial Logit models were used to estimate parameters. Then the marginal willingness to pay for housing attributes were computed. Good level facilities refer to a gym with 40 sport equipment, outdoor playground, and a swimming pool. Excellent level facilities refer to good level facilities but a gym with 60 sport equipment, a health clinic, space for religious activities, shuttle bus services inside and outside housing complex. Good level staff and personnels refer to day care of medical staff, monthly physicians on duty, and 24-hour securities. Excellent level staff and personnels refer to good level staff with 24-hour medical staff, and daily physicians on duty. Good level interior design refers to public green space, ramp with hand rail in public area, safety floor throughout housing complex. Excellent level interior design refers to good level interior design plus recreation area. The study found that respondents were willing to pay more for facilities at an excellent level of 671.52 baht per month, willingness to pay more for medical staff and personnels at an excellent level of 886.40 baht per month, willingness to pay more for project interior design in the project at an excellent level of 683.72 baht per month, and willing to pay more for the interior design in the project at a good level of 438.50 baht per month.
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