Conjoint Analysis, Packaged Rice, Product Attributes, Consumer BehaviorAbstract
This research has a purpose to perform a conjoint analysis of common attributes of bagged rice affecting consumer satisfaction and consumer behaviour in purchasing bagged rice in Nakhon Panom Province for making a marketing plan and developing bagged rice products by agriculturists or rice retailers. For create the appropriate survey, the feedback was gathering from 20 people. To selecting the attribution which impact to satisfaction of customer in the scope of survey creating. The data were collected from 400 consumers of bagged rice in Nakhon Panom Province. The result of the conjoint analysis revealed the common attributes of bagged rice contributing to consumers’ highest satisfaction, namely vacuum packaging, B pattern logo, B pattern slogan, nutrition facts, and unidentified agriculture sources. This information could serve as a guideline for developing rice packages to be more attractive and unique compared to those of the competitors in the market and for responding to the needs of consumers to increase their satisfaction. The results also showed that the consumers have the highest satisfaction on Jasmine rice. For instance, they always purchase rice at 5-8 kilograms per time from department stores followed by rice shops. The most influential factor on purchasing decisions is the consumers themselves. The results of the study on bagged rice purchasing behaviour can serve as a guideline for planning a bagged rice business targeting at 5 kg bagged rice sold specifically at rice shops.
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