Characteristic of local swamp buffalo (Bubalis bubalis Linn.) genetic variations in Rambutan sub-district, South Sumatra based on polymerase chain reaction-random amplified polymorphic DNA (PCR RAPD)
Bubalus bubalis, buffaloes, Pampangan swamp buffalo, bovinae, Artiodactyla, PCR-RAPD, genetic variationAbstract
Swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) is a germ plasm specific of Pampangan and endemic in South Sumatra with low productivity and limited distribution so it was important to analyze characteristics of Genetic Variation Buffalo Swamp in Pampangan. The method used is polymerase chain reaction-random amplified polymorphic DNA (PCR-RAPD). data were analyzed using genetic variations of the NTSys program ver. 2.1 and presented in the form of dendrogram. The dendogram shows that the South Sumatra swamp buffalo consists of 2 clusters, namely cluster 1 consisting of black buffalo, and cluster 2 consisting of Lampung buffalo, striped buffalo and red buffalo. The closest genetic distance value from the swamp buffalo variant was 0.46 found in Lampung, striped and red buffalo variants, while the furthest genetic distance was found in black buffalo.
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