Metabolic and hormonal changes in water buffaloes during post parturient peak lactation
Bubalus bubalis, buffaloes, post parturient period, peak lactation, glucose, β-hydroxy butyrate, BHBA, glucagon and thyroid hormonesAbstract
Present study was undertaken to appraise dynamic changes in metabolic and hormonal profile in water buffaloes during post parturient peak lactation. Total 30 early lactating buffaloes were studied and compared at two points, first at 15 to 20 days and second at 40 to 45 days post calving. The parameters investigated were milk yield, milk composition, blood glucose, β-hydroxy butyrate (BHBA), glucagon, Triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxin (T4). Farm history, milk samples and blood samples were collected at two time points from all the buffaloes for analysis. Buffaloes during post parturient peak lactation showed significant (P<0.05) changes in milk yield and milk fat and non-significant (P<0.05) changes in milk SNF percentage, glucose, BHBA, glucagon T3, and T4, respectively. In the conclusion, study recorded deviation in metabolic and hormonal profile during early peak lactation.
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