Morphometric diversity of swamp buffaloes in Indonesia: A meta-analysis
Bubalus bubalis, buffaloes, meta-analysis, swamp buffalo, morphometric, diversityAbstract
The frame size of a buffalo is influenced by several morphometric variables. Large frame sizes are expected to have more meat than small frames. There are many morphological studies of swamp buffalo in Indonesia, but meta-analysis has never been carried out to see the genetic potential based on morphometrics. Data obtained from various publications are stored in Microsoft Excel. Body length, wither height, and chest girth was analyzed using Orange 3.27.1 software to generate principal component analysis and hierarchical clustering. Indonesian swamp buffalo has a medium frame size compared to the crossbred Murrah buffalo and Azikheli except the Maluku buffalo which has a small frame size. Based on hierarchical clustering, there are four clusters for Indonesian swamp buffalo based on three morphometric variables. To produce Indonesian swamp buffalo with a larger frame size, it is advisable to mate male buffalo Aceh with female Southeast Sulawesi buffalo.
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