Surgical management of fibroadenoma in udder with special reference to ultrasonographic and histopathological findings in three Jaffarabadi buffalo heifers
Bubalus bubalis, buffaloes, fibroadenoma, Jaffarabadi heifer, mammary gland, ultrasonographyAbstract
The present report describes a surgical management of fibroadenoma in udder of three Jaffarabadi buffalo heifers of 2-3 years of age. The history of firm udder mass increasing gradually since last 5-6 months. Ultrasonography revealed a mass with isoechoic to hyperechoic parenchyma, separated from surrounding tissue by well differentiated hypoechoic margin. Under sedation and local analgesia, homogenous mass was removed surgically in lateral recumbency. All animals had a postoperative recovery without any complications. Grossly, mass was pale, firm, encapsulated and fasciculated. On histology, tubules and acini lined by layers of cuboidal epithelium and separated by bands of fibrous connective tissue. On the basis of history, clinical findings, ultrasonography and histopathology; these cases were diagnosed as fibroadenoma.
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