Effect of dietary betaine on endocrine profile in postpartum lactating Murrah buffaloes during hot-humid season
Bubalus bubalis, buffaloes, betaine, thyroxine, estrogen, progesterone, cortisolAbstract
Extreme heat along with metabolic stress associated with the postpartum period negatively affects the endocrine status of animals. Betaine is a feed additive that promotes animal growth. Since betaine contains three methyl groups, it acts as a methyl donor in animal metabolism. Eighteen postpartum Murrah buffaloes were randomly divided into T1 Group (Control), T2 and T3 Group was supplemented with betaine 50 g/animal/day and 100 g/animal/day respectively from 5th day postpartum and was continued up to 4 months postpartum. On day 50 postpartum the mean value of plasma cortisol of T1 Group was maximum followed by T2 Group and T3 Group had minimum plasma cortisol mean value which differed (P<0.05) significantly between groups. The mean concentration of plasma T3 total, T4 total, progesterone and estrogen showed (P>0.05) non-significant difference between all the groups. However, betaine fed T2 and T3 Group had higher plasma T3, T4, progesterone and estrogen as compared to control, it might be due to the effect of betaine, which reduces metabolic stress and activate hypothalmo-pituitary and gonadal axis after parturition and lactation period during heat stress.
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