Oesophageal obstruction in a pregnant buffalo
buffaloes, Bubalus bubalis, choke, mid cervical oesophagotomy, rexin, pregnant buffalo, standing oesophagotomyAbstract
An advanced pregnant buffalo presented with a history of regurgitation of feed and water within two minutes of ingestion since 12 h. Passage of probang (stomach tube) and radiography revealed intra-luminal esophageal obstruction at the mid cervical region. Mid cervical oesophagotomy was performed in standing position under local infiltrative analgesia. The oesophageal incision was sutured using two layer pattern (mucosa- interrupted suture pattern using surgical silk No. 2 suture followed by lock-stitch pattern for submucosa, muscularis and adventitia all together as a single layer using catgut No. 1 suture). The animal had an uneventful recovery. The retrieved obstruction mass was found to be rexin material.