Cholesterol supplementation in extender improves quality of frozen-thawed Nili-Ravi buffalo bull semen


  • R. Ejaz Department of Zoology, Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Pakistan
  • M.S. Ansari Department of Zoology, Hafiz Hayat Campus, University of Gujrat, Pakistan
  • B.A. Rakha Department of Wildlife Management, Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Pakistan
  • A.U. Husna Department of Zoology, Hafiz Hayat Campus, University of Gujrat, Pakistan
  • S. Qadeer Department of Zoology, Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Pakistan
  • R. Iqbal Department of Zoology, Hafiz Hayat Campus, University of Gujrat, Pakistan
  • N. Ullah Department of Zoology, Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Pakistan
  • S. Akhter Department of Zoology, Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Pakistan


Cryopreserved, Buffalo, Bull spermatozoa, Cholesterol


The study was designed to investigate the effect of cholesterol supplementation in extender on post-thaw quality of cryopreserved Nili-Ravi buffalo bull spermatozoa. Semen was collected from three Nili-Ravi buffalo bulls with artificial vagina (42°C) for five weeks ie., two ejaculates/ week and bull (replicate; n=30). Two consecutive ejaculates from each bull were mixed and processed for initial evaluation, semen from each bull was split into four aliquots and diluted (37°C) in tris-citric acid extender having cholesterol 0.0 (control), 5.0, 10.0 and 20.0 ng/mL Diluted semen was cooled to 4°C in 2 h and equilibrated for 4 hours at 4°C. Cooled semen was filled in 0.5 ml French straws at 4°C, kept on liquid nitrogen vapours for 10 min. and plunged in liquid nitrogen for storage. Frozen semen was thawed after 24 h at 37°C for 30 seconds. Sperm progressive motility, plasma membrane integrity and viability were higher (P≤0.05) in extender containing 5.0 ng/mL of cholesterol. However, cholesterol did not provide any significant benefit for chromatin integrity of buffalo spermatozoa. In conclusion, cholesterol supplementation in extender at a concentration of 5.0 ng/mL improved the post-thaw quality of cryopreserved Nili-Ravi buffalo bull spermatozoa.



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How to Cite

Ejaz, R., Ansari, M., Rakha, B., Husna, A., Qadeer, S., Iqbal, R., … Akhter, S. (2016). Cholesterol supplementation in extender improves quality of frozen-thawed Nili-Ravi buffalo bull semen. Buffalo Bulletin, 35(2), 259–268. Retrieved from



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