Clinical management of second degree burns in Murrah buffaloes - A typical case report
Bubalus bubalis, buffaloes, burns, Murrah, benzathine penicillin, metronidazoleAbstract
The present study deals with a case of second degree burns in three Murrah she buffaloes. The degree of involvement ranged from superficial partial thickness to deep and full thickness burns. Treatment was carried out using Dextrose normal saline, Ringer’s lactate, benzathine penicillins, Metronidazole and antihistamines. Topically silver sulphadiazine ointment was applied. Significant and uneventful recovery was observed in all the animals.
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Sagar, P.V., K. Rajesh, L. Kavitha and K. Suresh. 2010. Clinical management of second degree burns in a she buffalo: A case report. Buffalo Bull., 29 (1): 65-68. Available on:
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Tyagi, R.P.S. and J. Singh. 2010. Ruminant surgery. In The Digestive System. India. p. 221-223.
Tyagi, R.P.S. and J. Singh. 2002. Ruminant Surgery. CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Dehli, India. p. 144.
Yadav, G.V., S.S. Pitalawar, K.S. Chowdhary and P.S. Masare. 2010. Management of burns in bovine: A clinical study. Intas Polivet, 11(1): 52-53.

How to Cite
Rashid, M., Naikoo, M., Yadava, C. L., & Taiswal, K. (2021). Clinical management of second degree burns in Murrah buffaloes - A typical case report. Buffalo Bulletin, 40(3), 503–507. Retrieved from
Case Report