Prefabricated polyvinylchloride external coaptation for the management of metacarpal fracture in a breeding Murrah buffalo - A case report
Bubalus bubalis, buffaloes, metatacarpal fracture, Murrah buffalo, prefabricated PVCAbstract
Adult 6 years old breeding Murrah buffalo bull weighing approximately 500 kg reported with the complaint of lameness in the left hind limb was diagnosed with complete metacarpal fracture based on the history and clinical examination. The fracture limb was stabilized by using a prefabricated polyvinylchloride (PVC) external coaptation. Anti-inflammatory and antibiotics injections along with serratopeptidase boluses were provided for a period of 7 days with restricted movement of the animal. Partial weight bearing of the affected limb was noticed after few weeks of immobilization and after 50 days the weight bearing was almost normal. Following the removal of the external splint, the animal could bear normal weight and no complication was reported thereafter.
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