Efficacy of certain intrauterine immunomodulators in management of endometritis in postpartum graded Murrah buffaloes
Bubalus bubalis, buffaloes, endometritis, immunomodulators, bacterial load, conception rateAbstract
The present study is conducted to evaluate the efficacy of certain immunomodulators on recovery and conception rate in post partum endometritic buffaloes. Total 50 buffaloes were selected for the study and randomly divided into five groups. The buffaloes of Group 1 were given with a single dose of 100 μg E. coli lipopolysaccharide as intrauterine, Group 2 buffaloes were treated with a single dose of 2 mg Lysozyme, Group 3 was treated with 4 g of Cephalexin for three consecutive days. While, Group 4 buffaloes were treated with a single dose of 2 mg Lysozyme + 4 g of Cephalexin and Group 5 was treated with 30 ml of normal saline and was kept as control. All therapeutics were infused into the uterus after dissolving in sterile water. The efficacy of treatment was assessed by declines in bacterial load and PMNL cell count after treatment. The overall conception rate was 88.88, 71.42, 66.66, 75.00 and 33.33% in Group 1, 2, 3, 4 and Group 5, respectively.
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