Scorpion envenomation in buffalo calf - Case report
Bubalus bubalis, buffalo calf, haemato-biochemistry, scorpion envenomation, treatmentAbstract
Scorpion bit a three-month-old male buffalo calf of college sub-center in evening hours followed by rapid onset of clinical signs. Acute signs with lateral recumbency, paddling of legs, bellowing, nystagmus, frequent urination was observed in a calf. Clinical examination revealed subnormal body temperature (97.9oF), tachycardia (88/minute) and tachypnea (40/minute) with hyperemic conjunctival mucous membranes. Haematology showed severe leukocytosis (17.65x103/μl) while biochemistry showed slightly elevated serum total bilirubin (0.79 mg/dl) with normal blood urea nitrogen (25 mg/dl) and creatinine (1.4 mg/dl) values. Centrifugation of both whole blood sample in EDTA vial and clot activator tube showed haemolysed plasma and serum. Based on the evidence of scorpion bite, buffalo calf was treated symptomatically with Inj. Dextrose 5% 1 lit iv, Inj. Dexamethasone 0.04 mg/kg iv, Inj. Diazepam 1 mg/kg iv and Inj. Chlorpheniramine maleate 0.2 mg/kg im. Clinical signs of pain, nystagmus, bellowing, and excitation were subsided within half hour post-treatment while vital parameters were restored to normal after 12 h. A second treatment comprising of 1 liter Dextrose 5% 12 h later was followed by appreciable clinical improvement with resumption of normal suckling, feeding, and watering in treated calf. In conclusion, scorpion bite in bovines can be treated symptomatically with fluids, steroids, anti-allergic drugs, and sedatives in severe cases of nervous excitatory symptoms.
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