Morphological features of superficial and deep digital flexor tendons of forelimb in buffalo bull (Bubalus bubalis) in post-natal stages
Bubalus bubalis, buffaloes, flexor tendon, metacarpus, fore limbAbstract
Flexor tendons of forelimb play a major role in the locomotion of the animal and also in bearing 45% of the body wieght, thus making these tendons prone to several injuries. Current investigation was carried in three post-natal age groups of buffalo bulls to elucidate gross morphological and morphometrical features of superficial (SDFT) and deep (DDFT) digital flexor tendons of forelimb. Morphological studies revealed that they are shiny white fibrous structures bound by tough, durable fibrous sheath the ‘flexor retinaculum’ on palmar aspect of manus in all three groups (G) i.e., 1 to 3 years (G I), 3 to 6 years (G II) and 6 years and above (G III). SDFT in cross sections at myo-tendinous junction was flat elliptical shaped in G I and G II whereas it was oval in G III specimens. At mid metacarpal region the SDFT was dorso-ventrally compressed and ring-shaped in digital region. Thickness increased in aged specimens at their origin, mid metacarpus and at insertion points. Lengths of the two slips of SDFT in buffalo gradually increased from inter digital space up to their insertion points from G I to G III. Cross sectional profile of DDFT in mid metacarpus was flat elliptical in outline in all groups. Thickness of the tendon steadily increased with age from G I to III. Length of DDFT from origin to its division and from division to insertion steadily increased.
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