Relations of hygiene index scores with milk production in Anatolian buffaloes
Bubalus bubalis, buffaloes, hygiene, management, milk yield, raw milk, water buffaloAbstract
The aim of the study was to determine the relations of hygienic status and milk production of Anatolian buffaloes. Fifty milking buffaloes reared in two farms in the Middle Black Sea region of Turkey were used as the study material. To record hygienic status of the animals, udder and flank hygiene scores (UHS and FHS) of the animal’s bodies were evaluated using a scale with 1 to 4 points (1 = very clean, 2 = clean, 3 = dirty, 4 = very dirty). Hygiene index score (HIS) values were consisted of 60% UHS and 40% FHS. To eliminate environmental factors, two parity (1st and ≥2nd) and stage of lactation (SL1<100d and SL2≥100d) subgroups were constituted. The buffalo cows with first parity and later SL had more udder dirtiness (P<0.05) and, the buffalo cows those in SL1 had higher milk yield compared to the other subgroup. A negative and weak correlation (r = -0.227) was estimated between HIS and test day milk yield (TDMY) of milking buffaloes. Confirming these relationships using more data and keeping buffaloes within more hygiene is advised as beneficial approaches.
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