Effect of different rearing systems on behavioural responses to novel stimuli in Murrah buffalo calves
Bubalus bubalis, buffaloes, behaviour, calves, Murrah, novelAbstract
The study reported aimed to assess the effect of different rearing systems on behavioural responses to novel stimuli in Murrah buffalo calves. Calves in the experiment were grouped in three treatments in accordance with differed maternal interaction: dam-reared through fenceline (FMC; n = 8), restricted maternal contact (RMC; n = 8); no maternal contact (NMC; n = 8). FMC calves had permanent access to their mothers for first 5 days of birth and thereafter were housed in groups with fence line separation from their mothers and suckled twice a day. RMC calves had access to their mother only twice a day during the suckling hours. NMC calves were separated from their mothers within 24 h after birth and fed via bottle with nipple. Behavioral response of each calf toward novel object (a bright coloured ball) was evaluated on exposure during the test for three consecutive days across three months. The findings showed that buffalo calves that were given fence line contact with their mothers performed significantly (P<0.05) the best across all treatment groups in terms of response to a novel stimuli. Whereas the performance of calves with restricted contact with their mothers was superior to calves weaned at birth from their mothers, it was not on par with calves with full time fence line contact with their mothers, calves weaned at birth with no provision of maternal contact performed poorly in terms of behavioural response to novel stimuli.
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