Isolation and molecular detection of biofilm producing and multiple drug resistant Enterococcus faecalis from the buffalo meat
Bubalus bubalis, buffaloes, antimicrobial resistance, biofilm, buffalo meat, carabeef, ddlE gene, Enterococcus faecalis, PCR, vancomycin resistant enterococciAbstract
The present study was conducted to determine the drug resistance pattern and the occurrence of biofilm producing Enterococcus faecalis from buffalo meat samples collected from in and around the Anand city, Gujarat. A total of 100 samples (meat, hand’s swab, knife’s swab) were collected aseptically from the butcher shops. Out of 100 samples, 52 (52%) samples were found to be positive on selective media, which were subjected to polymerase chain reaction revealing that 40 isolates were of Enterococcus faecalis. Antibiotic sensitivity test showed that all the isolates were sensitive to Ampicillin (100%); sensitive to intermediate for Gentamicin and resistance was observed against Tigecycline (85%), Trimethoprim (60%), Vancomycin (50%), Norfloxacin (37.5%), and Imipenem-cilastatin (25%). Out of all the PCR positive isolates, 95% (38/40) were biofilm producers when observed phenotypically on Congo Red Agar (CRA). So, it can be concluded that the buffalo meat can be a possible intermediary vehicle for the spread of multidrug-resistant biofilm producing enterococci strains to humans.
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