Traditional veterinary medicines for buffalo followed by tribal folks in Pali district of Rajasthan, India
Bubalus bubalis, buffaloes, Ethnoveterinary, ethnobotany, ethnozoology, tribal, flock knowledge, Rajasthan, IndiaAbstract
Extensive ethnoveterinary survey were undertaken during 2015-2017 to document the folk herbal practices prevalent among the different ethnic groups for the treatment of ailments of livestock in some villages of Kumbalgarh forest range district Pali of Rajasthan state. The first hand information collected by means of informal interview open ended questionnaire and crossed checked with herbs practitioners etc. Livestock comprises a major part of Indian agriculture economics. Livestock owners in far-flung remote areas still depend upon plants and animal products for curing various veterinary ailments. This folk knowledge of ethnoveterinary significance has been identified by tribal and rural people through a process of experience over hundreds of years. The present paper deals with the plant as well as animal based crude drugs used in veterinary practices in tribal areas of Rajasthan in India. Ethnoveterinary surveys of the study area yielded veterinary uses of 51 plants species belonging to 49 genera of Angiosperms. Eleven buffalo based ethnoveterinary medicines are also reported. The identifies text are described by mentioning their scientific name, families, vernacular name, ethnoveterinary medicinal uses along with their mode of administration.
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