Clinical management of ulcerative thelitis in buffaloes (5 Cases)
Bubalus bubalis, buffaloes, teat, antibiotic, antioxidant, antihistamine and steroidAbstract
Ulcerative thelitis is the inflammation of the teat and ulceration of the outer skin of the teats, there will be acute inflammation at early stage of the disease subsequently there will be thickening, narrowing and closure of the teat canal, causing improper drainage of milk from the affected teat. In later stages there will be sloughing of the skin over the teats and falling of the entire teat itself leading loss of milk production. In the present study the wounds were cleaned with povidone iodine animals were treated with a broad-spectrum antibiotic (enrofloxacin), Antioxidant injection (vit-E and selenium), antihistamine injection (Zeet) and spray Budocort 200 mcg were used. Three buffaloes showed the signs of improvement after 5 days of treatment.
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