Author Guidelines
From the January 1st, 2025 onward, a new submission to Thai Forest Ecological Research Journal (TFERJ) is subject to the Thai Editorial System (Thai ES). We invite you to submit your manuscripts for publication in TFERJ at by registering and logging in to this website. Steps in the process are as follows;
Editorial review and processing
Peer Review. All submitted manuscripts are screened by the Journal Editorial Office (JEO) and Editor-in-Chief (EIC) for importance, substance, appropriateness for the journal, general scientific quality, and amount of new information provided. Those failing to meet current standards are rejected without further review. Those meetings these initial standards are sent to Associate Editor (AE) for evaluating and sending to expert reviewers on peer review. Reviewer comments are reviewed by AE for make decision, often allowing authors to make changes in response to the reviewer’s comments, advises the Scientific Editor to either accept or reject the manuscript. EIC makes final decision and informs the author(s) to either accept or reject. The review process ordinarily is completed within 3 months. If the process is delayed beyond that point, authors will be notified.
Rejected manuscripts. Rejected manuscripts may, in some instances, be appropriate for publication in other journals. Rejected manuscripts including original illustrations and photographs will be returned to author(s).
Accepted manuscripts. The author(s) will be asked to review a copy edited page proof. The author(s) is responsible for all statements appearing in the galley proofs. The author will be informed of the estimated date of publication.
Thai Forest Ecological Research Journal (TFERJ) accepts 2 types of articles for publication as follows:
Original Article: Manuscripts should not exceed 5,000 words (excluding references).
Review Article (by invitation): The article focuses on the in-depth critical review of a special aspect in the forest ecological research and also provides a synthesis and critical evaluation of the state of the knowledge of the subject. Manuscripts should not exceed 7,000 words (excluding references).
Submission of Manuscript
Cover letter must include the key points as;
- Statement that your paper has not been previously published and is not currently under consideration by another journal
- Brief description of the research you are reporting in your paper, why it is important, and why you think the readers of the journal would be interested in it
- Contact information for you and any co-authors
Manuscript-full: Manuscript (A4) must be submitted in Microsoft Word Files (.doc or .docx). Please make any identifying information of name(s) of the author(s), affiliation(s) of the author(s). Each affiliation should be indicated with superscripted Arabic numerals immediately after an author’s name and before the appropriate address. Specify the Department/School/Faculty, University, Province/State, and Country of each affiliation.
Reviewers suggestion (mandatory): Please provide the names of 3 potential reviewers with the information about their affiliations and email addresses. Each of the reviewers must come from a different affiliation. The editorial board retains the sole right to decide whether or not the recommended potential reviewers will be selected.
Preparation of Manuscript
Main manuscript should be prepared strictly as per guidelines given below. The manuscript (A4 size page) must be submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) with Angsana New 16-point font and a line spacing of 1.5. The manuscript that is not in the correct format will be returned and the corresponding author may have to resubmit.
The submitted manuscript must have the following contents:
Title: It must be concise, precise to the content, center page, and no longer than necessary. Only the capitalization style for the first word of the text and proper nouns are capitalized. Do not use abbreviations and acronyms in titles.
Author(s) name: The first and last names of all authors must be full name, excluding gender and position.
Affiliation: The contact details must present name of authors, and author affiliations with complete address. Each affiliation should be indicated with superscripted Arabic numerals immediately after an author’s name and before the appropriate address.
Abstract: The extnded abstract should be don and should not lower than 800 words. It should provide the concise research summary, including the Background and objectives, Methodology, Main results, and Conclusion. All acronyms and abbreviations defined with no references cited. TFERJ highly recommends that author(s) structure their abstracts based on following format;
Keywords: It should adequately index the subject matter and up to six keywords are allowed.
Text body: It is normally including the following sections: 1. Introduction, 2. Material and Methodology, 3. Results and Discussion, 4. Conclusions, 5. Acknowledgements and 6. References
Reference style: It must be given in the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th referencing style. Please follow the format of the sample references and citations as shown in this Guide below.
Unit: The use of abbreviation must be in accordance with the SI Unit.
Format and Style
Paper Margins must be 1.0 inches for each on the left, right, top and bottom of each page. Specific the number of lines per list page.
Introduction: It should be described in two pages or less, review pertinent work, cite key references, explain importance of the research, outlining the gaps or limitations in the existing research field, and clearly state objectives of your work. It is important to conduct a thorough review of relevant literature, citing critical publications contributing to understanding the topic. The literature review must be analyst on relevant literature and conceptual framework, theories, and hypothesizes for social science.
Materials and Methodology: It should be included sufficient detail so work can be reproduced. Describe new methods and protocols, in detail; accepted methods briefly with standard references. Use subheadings as needed for clarity, and no more than three levels of headings should be used. The main heading should be typed (in bold letters) and secondary heading (in bold and italic letters), while, the third level headings should be should be in normal and no bold.
Results and Discussion: It may be organized into subheadings and present together for clarification. This section is simply to present the key points of your findings in figures and tables, and explain additional findings in the text. Do not present the same information in figures and tables. Discuss principles and relationship, point out exception. The significance of the work or conductions should be presented in the end of discussion.
Tables look best if all the cells are not bordered; place horizontal borders only under the legend, the column headings and the bottom. Tables should be number each table with Arabic numerals. Place a descriptive caption at the top of each table. Columns and their headings are usually (but not always) used to display the dependent variable(s) being presented in the table. Foot-notes should be identified by lower case letters appearing as superscripts in the body of the table and preceding the footnote below the table.
Figures (graphs, charts, line drawings, photographs) should be submitted in color; make sure that they are clear and understandable. Please adjust the font size to 9-10, bold letters needed, and the border width of the graphs must be 0.75 pt. Regardless of the application used, when your electronic artwork is finalized, please 'save as' or convert the images to TIFF (or JPG) and separately send them to TFERJ. The images require a resolution of at least 300 dpi (dots per inch). If a label needed in a figure its size needs to be adjusted to fit the figure without borderlines. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce previously copyrighted illustrations.
All Figure(s) and Table(s) should be embedded in the text file.
Conclusion: This should not be too long or repetitive, but is worth having so that the summary of the key findings. It is also included briefly state the significance research work which directly supported by the results.
Acknowledgements: It should be listed sources of financial or material supports and the names of those who contributed to the work described in the manuscript but do not fulfill requirements as authorship.
References: The references as cited in the text and the reference lists must be identical and standardized. It should be typed in author-date style followed the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th referencing style. If the referenced documents are in Thai language, author must translate into English language, then, following by (in Thai) at the end of reference. The digital object identifier (DOI) should be included for all references where available. Three or more authors use “et al.” In parenthetical citations, separate author and year with a comma. Use suffixes a, b and c to separate publications in same year by the same author. Semi-colons separate citations of different authors. Cite two or more publications of different authors in chronological sequence, from earliest to latest. For example: (Mueller-Dombois & Goldammer, 1990; Ashton, 1995; Blasco et al., 1996). If the author’s name is part of the sentence, only the date is placed in parentheses: “Mueller-Dombois & Goldammer (1990) argued that…”
Please be ensured that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa).
Reference lists should be listed alphabetically by the first author’s last name. Single author precedes same author with co-authors. Type references flush left as separate paragraphs. Do not indent manually. Write the names of book and journal in bold letters. Let the text wrap with first line hanging indented.
In the list of references at the end of the manuscript, full and complete references must be given in the following style and punctuation, arranged alphabetically by first author’s surname. Examples of references as listed in the References section are given below.
Bryman, A. 2008. Social research methods. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Manuscript submission
All manuscript can submit based on “KUOJS system” through JTFR website ( Please remarks that the original article must not exceed 15 pages on A4, excludes first page.
Online First Articles
The article will be published online after receipt of the corrected proofs. This is the official first publication citable with the Digital Object Identifier (DOI). After release of the printed version, the paper can also be cited by issue and page numbers. DOI may be used to cite and link to electronic documents. The DOI consists of a unique alpha-numeric character string which is assigned to a document by the publisher upon the initial electronic publication. The assigned DOI never changes.