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Original Article

Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024): July - December

Tree Species Diversity and Carbon Stock Based on Tree Biomass in Ban Wang Kabak Community Forest, Wang Thong District, Phitsanulok Province

December 18, 2024


Background and Objectives: At present, the roles of community forest not only for conservation and sustainable utilization but the carbon storage sequestration of trees can also use for evaluate the potential of the forest. This information will be beneficial policy to reduce the emission from deforestation which related to the REDD+ framework that supports reducing deforestation and forest degradation. The task for increasing conservation and sustainable management will be response to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The objectives of this study were to know amount of biomass, carbon sequestration, the absorption of carbon dioxide and the releasing of oxygen gas by trees in the Ban Wang Kabak community forest. 

Methodology: Tree data were collected by 40 randomized plot sampling of 10 m x 10 m in dry dipterocarp forest, DDF, (20 plots) and mixed deciduous forest, MDF, (20 plots). The species diversity index, the aboveground and underground tree biomass, carbon sequestration, carbon dioxide absorption and oxygen gas release were analyzed.  

Main Results: Tree species diversity included 63 tree species, 54 genera and 26 families were found both in DDF and MDF. The species diversity index (H') was high level as 3.17. The Fabaceae was the most diverse family that consisted of 15 species, following with Rubiaceae, Anacardiaceae and Bignoniaceae that comprised of 7, 5 and 4 species, respectively. Species of Dipterocarpus obtusifolius was the most abundance which had highest IVI value (47.68 %.). The total tree biomass, carbon sequestration stocks, carbon dioxide absorption and oxygen gas releasing of these forests were 566.63 ton/hectare, 266.63 ton carbon/hectare, 976.49 ton CO2 /hectare and 2,603.98 ton O2/hectare, respectively.

Conclusion: Tree species in Ban Wang Kabak Community Forest has good supported for carbon storage and carbon dioxide absorption. Thus, the forest management both maintain and forest restoration is one of the nature-based solution for increasing carbon storage areas and mitigating the effect of global climate change.


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