Plant Community Composition and Carbon Storage of Mangrove Forest at Kung Krabaen Bay Royal Development Study Centre, Chanthaburi Province
Restoration mangrove forest, Rhizophora apiculata, dominant species, biomassAbstract
Background and Objectives: In the past, mangrove forest in the eastern region has been logged and extremely exploited. Thus, it was degraded and difficult to recover. At present, it had been restored based on Rhizophora apiculata, then, allowed to recovery and conserved its almost 30 years. This study aimed to evaluate the characteristics of plant community, biomass, and carbon storage of restored mangrove forests under the Kung Krabaen Bay Royal Development Study Centre in Chanthaburi Province during 2014, 2018, and 2022.
Methodology: Ten line transect plot system were applied which distanced adjacent of 400 m from the coastal area. Each transect, the permanent plots, 10 m × 10 m, were setup with 20 m distanced between plots, total 92 plots, were established for plant observation. The forest structure based on quantitative chateristics was analysed, including, species diversity index, biomass and carbon storage.
Main Results: The results showed that total 15 plant species, 10 genera, and 8 families were found which dominance faimlies were Rhizophoraceae, Combretaceae, Meliaceae, Acanthaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Malvaceae, Rubiaceae, and Lythraceae. Tree density and basal area were 2,217.75±113.67 individuals/ha-1 and 17.84±0.18 m2/ha-1, respectively. Species diversity based on Shannon-Wiener index was quite low (H'=1.21±0.08). Five dominant species with the highest important value index were Rhizophora apiculata, Ceriops tagal, Lumnitzera racemosa, Lumnitzera littorea, and Xylocarpus moluccensis, respectively. Low species number in sapling and seedling were found, 8 and 4 species, respectively. The total biomass in 2022 was 193.49 ton/ha-1 and carbon storage was 90.94 tonC/ha-1 which were decreased from 2014, 8.63 ton/ha-1 and 4.06 tonC/ha-1, respectively.
Conclusion: Rhizophora apiculata had high growth and suitabilty to promote for mangrove restoration which it was facilitated not only increased species diversity but also biomass and carbon storage. However, it is necessary to concern on both conservation and sustainable forest management during restoration program.