Gross morphological observations of liver in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)
Bubalus bubalis, buffaloes, gross anatomy, liverAbstract
The liver was located in the cranial part of the abdomen, immediately behind the diaphragm, entirely to the righty of the median plane, situated in an oblique downwards and forwards. The liver was consisted of two surfaces and four borders. The parietal surface was irregularly convex having falciform and coronary ligaments, which were attached to the diaphragm.the visceral surface was irregularly concave, which consisted an upper and large omasal impression, lower and narrow reticular impression, and abomasal impression was present in the right ventral area. The lesser omentum was extended from the esophageal notch to the portal fissure. The dorsal border was short and thick having deep renal impression on caudal lobe. Ventral border was short, thin and convex. The lateral border was thin and median border was thick to which esophageal notch was present.
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