Retrieval of binding wire from the pharyngeal region in a buffalo heifer


  • Akash Sunil Jadhav Animal Rahat, Maharashtra, India
  • Rakesh Kumar Chittora Animal Rahat, Maharashtra, India
  • Naresh Chandra Upreti Animal Rahat, Maharashtra, India


Bubalus bubalis, buffaloes, linear foreign body, pharyngeal region, ketamine stun


A 3 years old buffalo heifer was presented to the Animal Rahat Solapur emergency response team with the symptoms of moderate salivation, scratching of neck against the tree, slight difficulty while eating and drinking water, suspended rumination, animal was dull and depressed for the last three days following ingestion of a metallic sharp foreign body. On clinical examination of the neck region revealed a penetrating metallic linear foreign body like object lodged in the pharyngeal region pointing outside. This foreign body (binding wire) was retrieved surgically under the Ketamine stun (combination of Inj. Xylazine Hydrochloride 0.020 mg/kg, Ketamine Hydrochloride 0.05 mg/kg and Butorphanol Tartrate 0.02 mg/kg) with local nerve block. Animal recovered uneventfully within five days.


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How to Cite

Jadhav, A. S., Chittora, R. K., & Upreti, N. C. (2021). Retrieval of binding wire from the pharyngeal region in a buffalo heifer. Buffalo Bulletin, 40(4), 665–670. Retrieved from