Modified vulval truss technique to prevent recurrence of cervico-vaginal prolapse in water buffaloes
Bubalus bubalis, buffaloes, cervico-vaginal prolapse, modified vulval truss method, recurrence prevention, water buffaloesAbstract
A retrospective study was conducted in a total of 89 water buffaloes reported with cervico-vaginal prolapse (CVP) in various degrees and were initially examined for their physiological and haematological parameters. The affected buffaloes were classified into 3 groups based on the degree of CVP and were treated with 8 'R' principles and as a recurrence prevention strategy, they were managed with modified conventional vulval truss method, vulval retention suture method and both in all the three groups. The buffaloes handled with modified conventional vulval truss method showed reduced straining, genital injury and no obstetrical complications. The buffaloes treated with vulval retention suture showed mild straining, wound around the sutured site and those buffaloes treated with both modified conventional vulval truss method and vulval retention suture showed relatively effective results. Based on this study, it is concluded that the buffaloes affected with any degree of CVP and treated with modified conventional vulval truss method showed effective recurrence prevention with relatively no swelling, straining, haemorrhage, injury, maggot wound and postpartum obstetrical complications.
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