Analysis of export potential of buffalo meat in India


  • Amandeep Kaur Centre for Agricultural Policy and Market Research (CAPMAR), Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India
  • Shruti Chopra Centre for Agricultural Policy and Market Research (CAPMAR), Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India
  • Mohinder Singh Sidhu Centre for Agricultural Policy and Market Research (CAPMAR), Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India
  • Poonam Kataria Centre for Agricultural Policy and Market Research (CAPMAR), Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India


Bubalus bubalis, buffaloes, buffalo meat, carabeef, export, potential, India


The thrust of the present study was to explore the export potential of buffalo meat in India. India, the top buffalo meat producer in the world, is placed at fourth rank as buffalo meat exporter. During 2017 to 2018, Vietnam, Malaysia, Egypt, Iraq and Saudi Arabia are the five major destinations accounting for nearly 79% of the country’s buffalo meat shipments, out of which Vietnam alone cornered 57%. India’s current global supremacy in the buffalo meat production can only be translated into supremacy in exports as well, if stringent policy initiatives are put in place  to promote export-oriented quality controlled production and processing. 


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How to Cite

Kaur, A., Chopra, S., Sidhu, M. S., & Kataria, P. (2021). Analysis of export potential of buffalo meat in India. Buffalo Bulletin, 40(4), 609–623. Retrieved from



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