SPK4-01 Land Tittle Deeds and Land Conversion Charges

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Arayah Preechametta


This paper presents a dynamic framework to analyze the impact of land utilization conversion charges as a tool for protecting the SPK4-10 farmland that received land title deeds from being converted into non-farmland. The analysis confirms that the optimal investment period of a land development project is further prolong by the application of a higher land utilization conversion charges. This paper applies an optimal development time method to keep SPK4-10 with land title deeds from being over-converted into other types of land use.


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How to Cite
Preechametta, A. (2024). SPK4-01 Land Tittle Deeds and Land Conversion Charges. Journal of Applied Economics and Management Strategy, 11(1), 39–52. Retrieved from http://kuojs.lib.ku.ac.th/index.php/jems/article/view/5683
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)
Author Biography

Arayah Preechametta, Faculty of Economics, Thammasat University



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