Vulnerability in Thai Workers: Evidence from the Labor Force Survey

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Direk Pattamasiriwat
Pudtan Phanthunane
Darunee Pumkaew


This research paper empirically investigates vulnerability in Thailand’s working class, based on the labor force survey conducted by the National Statistics Office in the year 2022. Vulnerability among the workers is observed through: a) type of payment, i.e. those workers who are daily- or weekly-paid as some of them are unlikely to have social security; and b) wage changes over lifetime, normally ordinary workers are expected to enjoy higher wages through experience, which implies learning curve or job mobility. The methods include graphical analysis and by the simulated analysis based on four robust regression estimates. The Mincerrian equation was applied for estimating regression models separated by genders of workers. The regression models were conducted to analyse relationship between incomes of vulnerable and non-vulnerable workers and experiences and education years. The results of the study consist of 1) 32.87% of workers are daily- or weekly paid workers, the rest 67.13% are monthly-paid; and 2) wage changes over working experienced among the monthly paid workers are significantly higher than those of the daily- or weekly paid worker, in other word, the daily-paid workers show the least increase of wage over working lifetime. In addition, 30.97% of the daily-paid workers earn less than 50 baht per hour, which is equivalent to 400 baht per day (or 9,600 baht per month) which would be considered as insufficient for decent livings.


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How to Cite
Pattamasiriwat, D., Phanthunane, P., & Pumkaew, D. (2024). Vulnerability in Thai Workers: Evidence from the Labor Force Survey. Journal of Applied Economics and Management Strategy, 11(1), 187–204. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)
Author Biographies

Direk Pattamasiriwat, School of Development Economics, National Institute of Development Administration


Pudtan Phanthunane, Faculty of Business, Economics, and communication, Naresuan University

Corresponding Author, Assistant Professor

Darunee Pumkaew, Faculty of Political Science, Ubon Ratchathani University



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