Impact of dextran sulphate adjuentated S. aureus vaccine against the control of mastitis in lactating dairy buffaloes in Pakistan
Bubalus bubalis, buffaloes, lactating animals, somatic cell count, protein, vaccineAbstract
The present study was conducted to evaluate two S. aureus vaccines in 100 mastitis free lactating buffaloes, dividing into 2 equal groups (B1, B2). The animals of B1 and B2 were administered with 2 shots of live attenuated and Dextran sulphate adjuvanted S. aureus vaccine at 15 days sequentially. The evaluation was done with different parameters i.e., serum and whey antibody titers, somatic cell count, milk fat %, milk protein, milk yield, vaccine efficacy, cost-benefit analysis, and colony count. There was a peak of geometric mean antibody titer 291 and 58 in LSAV while its climax 363 and 90 in DSAV at 2 and 6 months of study. In whey this level almost remained the same in both groups. In B1 and B2, somatic cell count kept on decreasing from day zero to the end of study. There was a non-significant difference in milk yield and fat percentage between the 2 groups. Milk protein concentration was significantly different between these groups and was better in B1 than B2. The surf field mastitis test-based quarter point prevalence decreased at 180 days in LASV and DSAV. In California mastitis test based, a significant decreased value was shown in both groups. Pre-vaccination and post-vaccination colony count of S. aureus was more in LSAV than in DSAV. Moreover, the preventative efficacy and cost benefit ratio of DSAV was more excellent as compared to LSAV.
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