Microscopic exploration into the behavior of giant cells in placentomes of buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)
Bubalus bubalis, buffaloes, placentomes, giant cells, histology, histochemistryAbstract
The present study was conducted on placentomes of 31 pregnant buffaloes ranging from 38 to 243 days of gestation to explore the microscopic details of giant cells and their behavior in buffalo placentomes. Various histological and histochemical stains used in the study revealed its structural and chemical details. The study revealed that giant cells played a major role in transplacental transfer of nutrients and other metabolites required by the fetal and maternal tissues. High polysaccharide content and intense enzymatic reaction indicated high metabolic activity of the giant cells in the placenta. The migratory nature of giant cells observed in the present study revealed its role in transfer of metabolites. The cytoplasmic processes observed in the study indicated its fusion with the cryptal epithelium as a medium of transfer of metabolites and formation of multinucleated giant cells. Strong acid phosphates activity can be correlated with its erythrophagocytic nature as a medium of transfer of iron molecules to the developing fetus.
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