Per-vaginal delivery of hydrocephalic fetus associated with musculo-skeletal defects in a Murrah buffalo
Bubalus bubalis, buffaloes, ankylosis, dystocia, hydrocephalic fetus, Murrah buffalo, per-vaginal deliveryAbstract
The present communication reports a rare case of dystocia due to intra-cranial hydrocephalic fetus associated with ankylosis of limbs in a pleuriparous Murrah buffalo and per-vaginal delivery by forced extraction using obstetric maneuvers.
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Bugalia, N.S., S. Chander, R.K. Chandolia, S.K. Verma, P. Singh and O.K. Sharma. 1990. Monstrosities in cows and buffaloes. Indian Vet. J., 67(11): 1042-1043.
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Purohit, G.N., P. Kumar, K. Solanki, C. Shekhar and S.P. Yadav. 2012. Perspectives of fetal dystocia in cattle and buffalo. Veterinary Science Development, 2(8): 31-42. DOI: 10.4081/vsd.2012.3712
Roberts, S.J. 1971. Veterinary Obstetrics and Genital Diseases (Theriogenology), 2nd ed. C.B.S. Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, India. 60p.
Salunke, S.P., M.B. Amle and P.C. Zambre. 2001. Dystocia due to hydrocephalus in Pantharpui buffalo. Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction, 22: 96.
Sharda, R. and S.P. Ingole. 2002. Congenital bilateral hydrocephalus in a Jersey cow calf: A case report. Indian Vet. J., 79(10): 965-966.
Sharma, A. 1996. Dystocia due to hydrocephalic fetus with downward deviation of head in mare. Indian Vet. J., 73(3): 337-338.
Szabo, K.T. 1989. Congenital Malformations in Laboratory and Farm Animals. Academic Press, Inc. San Diego, California, USA. 313p.
Tripathi, A., J.S. Mehta, G.N. Purohit, S. Sharma, K. Saini and S.K. Pathak. 2014. Dystocia in a cow due to hydrocephalic fetus: A case report. Journal of Livestock Science, 5: 79-82. Available on:
Upasana, R., G.R. Bhat, E.E. Varughese, S.P.S. Ghuman and M. Honparkhe. 2012. Per-vaginal delivery of a Murrah buffalo calf with congenital high-grade hydrocephalus internus. Vet. Pract., 13(2): 310-311.

How to Cite
Yadav, R., Saini, G., -, P., & Dutt, R. (2021). Per-vaginal delivery of hydrocephalic fetus associated with musculo-skeletal defects in a Murrah buffalo. Buffalo Bulletin, 40(3), 515–523. Retrieved from
Case Report