Prevelance of fallopian tube pathologies in buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)
Bubalus bubalis, buffaloes, prevalence, reproductive abnormalities, ultrasonographyAbstract
The study on prevalence of anatomical and pathological abnormalities affecting fallopian tube of buffaloes slaughtered in Agra was undertaken to provide useful information to field level functionaries, practicing veterinarians and the academicians involved in improving the reproductive capacity of Indian livestock. In present study, one thousand sixty two genitalia of buffalo examined for macroscopic and microscopic lesion from the Modern slaughtered house, Kuberpur in Agra. Gross and histopathological studies were made and the lesions were reported. Pathological lesions were observed in 317 genitalia out of 1,062 examined accounting for prevalence of 29.83%. The prevalence of pathological lesions in descending order was observed as uteri (17.02%), ovaries (7.98%), oviducts (1.4%), cervix (3.00%) and vagina (0.374%). Out of 1,062 genitalia, fallopian tubes of 15 buffaloes (1.4%) were associated with pathological affections. Chronic salpingitis, pyosalpinx and hydrosalpinx were observed as 0.75, 0.28 and 0.37%, respectively. Ultrasonography a non invasive technique is the most efficient method of diagnosis of reproductive disorders in buffaloes. In view of the complexity of the genital system, it can be concluded that multidisciplinary approach is required for more comprehensive studies on the buffalo reproductive disorders which will provide fruitful and authentic information.
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