Digital analysis of testicular ultrasound image can classify buffalo bulls with high sperm production capacity
Bubalus bubalis, buffaloes, digital image, pixel intensity, testes, ultrasoundAbstract
The objective of the present study was to measure pixel intensity mean (Echogenicity) and pixel intensity standard deviation (Heterogeneity) of testicular parenchyma in constantly low or high sperm concentration producing bulls. The average sperm concentration/ml in ejaculate over thirteen month’s period (≥100 ejaculates) was recorded. On the basis of sperm concentration, bulls were grouped into; Low sperm concentration (Group A, n=6: age 4.5 to 6 years) and High sperm concentration (Group B1, n=6: age 4.5 to 6 years and B2, n=3: age 7 to 7.5 years) for this experiment. Digital image analysis of ultrasound scan images was done to measure echogenicity and heterogeneity by using ImageJ software. There was no significant difference in echogenicity values between groups, whereas image heterogeneity values of Group A showed statistically significant (P<0.05) lower in comparison with B1 and B2. However, between Group B1 and B2 there was no difference. No correlation was observed between the echogenicity and heterogeneity values in any of the groups. Heterogeneity of echo structure may indicate the seminiferous tubule diameter, sertoli cell population and fluid density within tubules. In conclusion, lower sperm output was observed in testes that were less heterogenic at the tissue level. The heterogeneity values in bulls for rejection at the time of BSE (Breeding soundness evaluation) should be studied in more detail to have more insight and to incorporate in BSE of Murrah bull.
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