The response of blood plasma metabolite concentrations of anestrus lactating buffalo to CIDR-eCG with or without melatonin treatment
Bubalus bubalis, Buffaloes, Melatonin, CIDR-eCG protocol, Blood metabolites, Lactating buffaloAbstract
The objective of this study was to compare the efficiency of CIDR-eCG protocol with or without melatonin treatment on blood plasma metabolites in anestrus Murrah buffaloes during out-of-breeding season. Twelve lactating Murrah buffaloes were allotted to control and treated groups each of six animals. Treated buffaloes were implanted with melatonin (18 mg melatonin / 50 kg body weight) for 45 days, then animals of both groups received CIDR for 9 days. All animals received 500 IU eCG intramuscularly one day before CIDR removal and 10 µg GnRH on the day of AI. The animals were subjected to estrus detection daily as per farm routine. At weekly intervals, blood samples were collected to determine the concentration of blood plasma metabolites over 84 days’ period between June and September. All buffaloes exhibited estrus after CIDR removal. CIDR-eCG preceded with melatonin treatment increased plasma total protein, albumin, cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol (P<0.05) in comparison to only CIDR treated control. Buffaloes treated with melatonin plus CIDR exhibited increased (P<0.01) plasma glucose on days 28, 53 and 55 and reduction (P<0.01) in HDL and AST at time of pregnancy diagnosis, while plasma concentration of phosphorus was the highest (P<0.05) at day 84. In conclusion, CIDR-eCG treatment preceded with melatonin implantation improved reproductive performance and altered blood metabolite composition of lactating buffaloes during out-of-breeding season as compared to CIDR-eCG only.
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