Effect of ration balancing on performance of lactating buffaloes under field conditions in the Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh
buffaloes, Bubalus bubalis, feeding practices, nutrient status, lactating, Madhya Pradesh, IndiaAbstract
The present study was carried out to observe the effect of ration balancing on performance of lactating buffaloes under field conditions. Sixteen healthy lactating graded Murrah buffaloes under 3rd or 4th lactation (8 to 10 weeks after parturition) identical in body weights and feeding conditions were selected from the village kewati tehsil Mhow. The representative samples of each feed ingredient were collected and analysed for proximate principles, fibre fractions, Ca and P. Carotene, DCP and TDN in feedstuffs were calculated. Feed intake of individual animal was measured for fifteen consecutive days. Then nutrient (DCP, TDN, Ca, P and Carotene) supply was calculated and compared with standard requirements to work out nutrient excess/deficit. Based on body weights and milk yield, these animals were divided in two equal groups (Group 1, un-balanced and Group 2, balanced ration) eight animals in each. Group 1 was fed as per the practice of farmer while ration of Group 2 was balanced for DCP, TDN, Ca, P and carotene based on standards for buffaloes. This feeding was continued for 90 days. Weekly DM intake and daily milk yield were recorded. Milk samples were collected fortnightly and fat content was estimated. The economic impact of ration balancing was also assessed. Results indicated that rations of lactating buffaloes were adequate in TDN, slightly higher in DCP (+12%) and Ca (+16%) but marginally deficient in P (-17%) and carotene (vitamin A, (-) 13%). DMI and milk yield (9.21±0.11 kg/h/d) were significantly (P<0.05) higher in Group 2 as compared to Group 2 (8.48±0.14 kg/h/d). The milk fat % was significantly (P<0.05) higher in Group 2 in comparison to Group 1 during 5th and 6th fortnight. After ration balancing, there was an average reduction in feeding cost (Rs/kg milk) from 21.68 to 20.65 and increase in farmer’s daily net income by Rs 23 (Rs 155 to 178) per animal. It was concluded that balancing of ration in lactating buffaloes significantly improved DMI, milk yield and reduced the feed cost and increased farmer’s net income.
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