The Causal Factors Affecting the Purchase Intention of Lava Durian Sisaket Consumers in Thailand
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This research aims to study the causal factors that affect the purchase intention of consumers of Lava Durian Sisaket in Thailand. A survey research methodology was utilized, gathering data via questionnaires by interviews. The research sample consisted of 85 buyers of Lava Durian Sisaket from the durian trading website. Statistics used to analyze the data include percentages, means, standard deviations, and multiple linear regression analysis. The dependent variable in this study is purchase intention (PI), while the independent variables are supply chain management (SCM), digital and social media marketing (DSMM), and brand equity (BE). The result found that digital and social media marketing (DSMM) has a notable impact on the purchase intention of consumers of Lava Durian Sisaket in Thailand, with a statistical significance at the 0.01 level. Insights from open-ended questionnaire responses indicate that customers perceive digital and social media marketing to be a strong factor influencing their purchase intention. Digital and social media marketing allows consumers in other provinces to purchase authentic and affordably priced durians directly from the orchards, thus eliminating the need for intermediaries. Online marketing platforms also provide access to store reviews from customers, aiding decision-making and enabling customers to assess the quality across different vendors. Additional recommendations for enhancing consumer purchase intentions include implementing cash-on-delivery payment options to reduce the risk of fraud and providing explicit product warranty details.
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