Management Guidelines of Intellectual Property upon Geographical Indication for the “Sumbawa Honey” Small Medium Enterprises on Sumbawa Island, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia as a Powerhouse of Innovation and Economic Growth

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Nerning Galidha Wildatika
Ruchirat Patanathabutr


The business and economic sectors depend on the intellectual property rights sector, an important sector of every modern economy. If not protecting intellectual property rights, it is prone to plagiarism or misuse of brands/property. If this gets ignored, it can make it difficult for SMEs to innovate and play a role in economic activities in a country. The study methodology was documentary research, in-depth interview to find observable variables, identify the components by using Exploratory Factor Analysis for classifying components and do semi structured interview to define the management guidelines of intellectual property upon geographical indication for the “Sumbawa Honey” SMEs. Data was gathered from 500 individuals in the population being studied. The results of this study showed that there were 3 components namely Management of Sustainability Development means to do planning, implementing, and managing businesses that support sustainable economic growth and environmental protection to preserve natural honey availability and meet consumer needs, Management of Innovation means identifying, developing, and implementing ideas to ensure business sustainability, enhance competitiveness, and meet consumer needs while considering the quality of the honey produced and Management of Geographical Indication to do Geographical indication management involves coordinating and protecting the unique characteristics of honey originating from a specific geographical region to safeguard local heritage and build consumer confidence that the produced honey meets quality standards set by the geographical indication issuer, in this case, issued by the Directorate General of Intellectual Property., presented as a concept “Triple M Strategies” for Sumbawa Honey SMEs and were applied as management guidelines of intellectual property upon geographical indication for the “Sumbawa Honey” SMEs.


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How to Cite
Wildatika, N. G., & Patanathabutr , R. (2024). Management Guidelines of Intellectual Property upon Geographical Indication for the “Sumbawa Honey” Small Medium Enterprises on Sumbawa Island, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia as a Powerhouse of Innovation and Economic Growth. Journal of Applied Economics and Management Strategy, 11(2), 143–161. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)
Author Biographies

Nerning Galidha Wildatika, Faculty of Graduate School, Khon Kaen University.

Corresponding Author

Ruchirat Patanathabutr , Faculty of Graduate School, Khon Kaen University.

Assistant Professor


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