The Influence of Green Supply Chains on Economic and Environmental Performance of Restaurant Business

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Somporn Naksuetrong
Ekkapong Chunkamon


This research aims to develop a causal model equation for the green supply chain that affects both economic performance and environmental performance in restaurants. Specifically, the study focuses on examining the management of green supply chains in restaurants and their impact on economic and environmental performance in Bangkok. This quantitative study employs an online questionnaire as a data collection tool. The sample consists of 409 individuals, including business owners, managers, and service staff in restaurants, and utilizes structural equation modeling for data analysis. The findings indicate that factors such as organizational environmental policies, green packaging, recycled products and green transportation significantly affect green capabilities, which in turn significantly impact economic performance and environmental efficiency. Consequently, the causal model equation is consistent with empirical data. This study suggests that restaurant entrepreneurs should emphasize green supply chain management as a strategic approach to operating green restaurants. This may help differentiate their businesses and better meet customer demands.


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How to Cite
Naksuetrong, S., & Chunkamon, E. (2024). The Influence of Green Supply Chains on Economic and Environmental Performance of Restaurant Business. Journal of Applied Economics and Management Strategy, 11(2), 53–69. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)
Author Biographies

Somporn Naksuetrong, Faculty of Business Administration, Panyapiwat Institute of Management

External Lecturer

Ekkapong Chunkamon, Institute of Aviation and Aerospace Technology, Rajamangala University of technology Tawan-OK

Corresponding Author, Lecturer


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