Temporary Injunction, Consumer Protection, Consumer CasesAbstract
This article aims to examine the issues related to temporary protection in consumer cases. According to the Consumer Criminal Procedure Act B.E. 2551 by studying the facts arising from the enforcement of this Act with the purpose of 1) to study the problem of temporary protection methods in consumer cases 2) to study the principles of consideration in consumer cases 3) to suggest solutions to problems in the method of temporary protection in consumer cases. The research uses a quality methods of Thai and foreign textbooks.The study found that The use of provisional means before adjudication or protection of interests pending in consumer cases is very important to settle disputes by the parties .by solving the complexity caused by bringing together many cases Whether it is a problem with the value of the damage in the temporary protection problems with the roles of courts and litigation officers problems with the protection period and the issue of the supreme court's requirement to submit a request for temporary protection. which will require amendments to the relevant provisions of the section regulations and the expertise of personnel are relevant to match the current situation where consumers are at a disadvantage.
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