Hotel interior design, decision, Generation Z travelersAbstract
The objectives of this research were 1) to study the interior design elements of the hotel business for Generation Z travelers; and 2) to investigate the interior design elements that influence the decision to use the hotel business of Generation Z travelers. This research applied mixed method research, including in-depth interviews with 4 hotel operators from 3-4 star-hotels in Pom Prap Sattru Phai District. The sample used in the research was 184 generation Z travelers calculated with the G*power program and the data were analyzed with percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis. The findings revealed that Interior elements are at the highest level. When classifying aspects, it was found that utilities and building engineering systems were found It's the most average. According to the multiple regression analysis, it revealed that the five most influential interior design elements are psychology in design, comfort and ease of use, public utilities and building engineering systems, use of space size, photography, and marketing promotion of the hotel. These affects the decision to choose the hotel services of generation Z travelers.
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