ปัญหาการตลาดดิจิทัลของธุรกิจเภสัชภัณฑ์แผนปัจจุบันในประเทศไทยจากมุมมองผู้มีส่วนเกี่ยวข้อง|THE PROBLEMS OF DIGITAL PHARMACEUTICAL MARKETING IN THAILAND FROM THE PERSPECTIVES OF STAKEHOLDERS


  • อโณทัย งามวิชัยกิจ ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ประจำสาขาวิชาวิทยาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยสุโขทัยธรรมาธิราช


Digital Marketing, Pharmaceutical Business, Design Thinking


This research aims to study and identify the problems of digital marketing of pharmaceutical business from stakeholders in Thailand through qualitative research The sample group was purposively selected from those involved in digital pharmaceutical marketing over the past year. The sample consists of 3 subgroups, which are digital marketing target group of consumers and health professionals, digital marketing ethics control group and a group of digital marketers in the pharmaceutical business, a total of 53 informants. The research instrument is a semi-structural interview guideline for in-depth interviews. Data is transcribed for content analysis. The results show that consumers lack reliable and easy to understand information sources, need to consult with health professionals via digital media and medical knowledge and being tricked into buying fake drugs.  The health professionals need for factual information for problem-solving and their concern about the medical information access of consumers. The digital marketing ethics controllers face high workloads, complex and cautious tasks, concern about the consumer safety from false advertising or covert sales of drugs,  need for law change responding to the digital marketing, desire for accurate information from professionals as well as lacking digital marketing control from the beginning. The digital pharmaceutical marketing face regulatory limitations of advertising and challenges of digital communication to health professionals. The research findings suggest the development of online drug information sources, changing related laws and regulatory approaches of digital marketing as well as developing digital media literary for consumers and the ethics of digital marketers in the pharmaceutical business in Thailand. 




