A hormone-based therapeutic strategy to reduce non-productive period in anestrus buffaloes during breeding and non-breeding season under field conditions
Bubalus bubalis, buffaloes, dairy household, estrus, hormones, seasonAbstract
Sixty anestrus Murrah buffaloes were evaluated for the success rate of progesterone (P4) + estrogen (E2) + equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) protocol (Breeding season, BS=15; Non-breeding season, NBS=15) and estradoublesynch protocol (BS=15; NBS=15). The buffaloes subjected to P4+E2+eCG had higher (P>0.05) estrus induction response compared to estradoublesynch during BS (86.0 vs 80.0%, respectively) and NBS (73.3 vs 66.6%, respectively). Estrus period score at induced estrus in buffaloes subjected to either of protocols in BS or NBS was not different (P>0.05), however, pregnancy rate was lower (P<0.05) in buffaloes exhibiting <50 estrus period score in comparison to those exhibiting >50 score. Further, pregnancy rate (induced + spontaneous estrus) was better (P>0.05) using P4+E2+eCG compared to estradoublesynch protocol (73.3 vs 63.3%). In addition, the interval between start of a protocol and conception in P4+E2+eCG was less compared to estradoublesynch (P>0.05; 13.9±1.3 vs 17.5±3.1 days). In summary, P4+E2+eCG protocol is a better hormone-based strategy compared to estradoublesynch for anestrus buffaloes during breeding and non-breeding season under field conditions.
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