Development of crispy Sacha Inchi sheets
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This research aims to increase the value of Sacha Inchi oil extraction by-product. The Sacha Inchi by-product was processed to become Sacha Inchi flour.There is a process to reduce the bean odor and astringent of Sacha Inchi by-product by dissolving it in salt water, boiling and baking in a hot air oven at 70 oC for 3 hours, then grind into a fine powder. Sacha Inchi flour was produced which no rancid odor. Sacha Inchi flour was used to develop a prototype recipe for crispy product by varying the amount of Sacha Inchi flour to 20%, 30% and 40% which contains cashew nut powder, white sugar, fresh egg whites, unsalted butter, baking powder, salt, and palm oil. The three formulas of crispy Sacha Inchi product was analyzed chemical composition. It was found that the protein content was high in the range of 16.2-18.1%. The sensory evaluation of all three formulas of crispy Sacha Inchi product were found that the formula 1 (20% of Sacha Inchi flour) was the highest of total liking score. The formula 1 was kept in sealed aluminum bag for 12 weeks at room temperature (27+2 oC), it still accepted by trained panellists. The crispy Sacha Inchi product was suitable as a food product that can be produced and sold further.
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