Development of instant Nam Prik Ong using freeze drying process
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This research aims to study the production of instant Nam Prik Ong that can be stored for a long time, is convenient for transportation and still maintains the value of nutrients by using the freeze drying process. A prototype recipe for fresh Nam Prik Ong was developed and frozen at -20 oC for 12 hours, then dried in a freeze dryer at -80 oC for 36, 48, and 60 hours. It was found that the drying times of 48 hours and 60 hours showed the moisture contents and aw that were not significantly different (p>0.05). Therefore, 48-hour drying was chosen to produce the instant Nam Prik Ong and physical and chemical properties were investigated. The results showed that solubility index and water absorption capacity were 25.36% and 2.31%, respectively. In the ratio of water to Nam Prik Ong at 1:1 provided that was very similar to fresh one. In addition, instant Nam Prik Ong had protein, fat, total carbohydrates, ash, and moisture content of 25.9%, 50.2%, 17.2%, 4.36%, and 2.32%, respectively, also an energy value of 624.3 kilocalories per 100 gram sample. Fresh Nam Prik Ong and instant Nam Prik Ong had no difference (p>0.05) in texture and overall liking scores. The shelf life evaluation of instant Nam Prik Ong under accelerated conditions by using the Q10 method showed that temperatures of 30 oC, 40 oC, and 50 oC can preserve instant Nam Prik Ong for 31 days, 21 days, and 14 days, respectively.
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