The challenges in transforming the food system to address malnutrition issues and achieve the sustainable development goals
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Dealing with malnutrition in all its forms is one of the critical challenges of public health management in each country towards sustainable development goals (SDGs). Experiencing malnutrition from early childhood or even during pregnancy increase the risk of illness and premature death. The cause of malnutrition is normally related to issues of poverty, instability in food supply, and lack of awareness about the importance of choosing beneficial foods for long-term health. Therefore, the government must develop a sustainable food system, which is necessary to guarantee food/nutrition security for all. Additionally, nutrition surveillance should be implemented and particularly focused on vulnerable group at risk of nutrition imbalances, including women, infants, children, and adolescents. If malnutrition issues are not prevented and addressed, it will lead to an increase in household health expenditure and slow economic growth. This perpetual cycle of poverty and illness can affect the socio-economic situation of a whole country, significantly.
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