Development of dietary fiber products from pomelo peels
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This research aimed to developed the pomelo peel dietary fiber (PDF) product. The white part of the pomelo peel has been blended, filtered and then boiling in an electric stove using 1,000 W at 100 °C for 5 min to removed the bitterness. It was filtered and centrifuged to removed the water. The processed pomelo peel was mixed with the corn syrup at 20, 30 and 40 g per 100 g peel, and microwaved using 700 W for 2 and 3 min to studied the effect of corn syrup ratio and microwave heating time on the physical, chemical and shelf life of the PDF product.
The results found that the L*, C*, h color value and the pH values (5.62-5.89) of PDF were significantly different (p<0.05) while the water activity (aw) were in the range of 0.961-0.983 and not significantly different between samples. The sample No. 4 (20% corn syrup) with 2 min and 3 min microwave heated had low aw and not significantly different from each other. The chemical analysis of 100 g of sample has 15.04 g of total dietary fiber, 0.59 g of ash, 0.50 g of protein, 0.04 g of fat, 69.64 g of moisture, 29.24 g of carbohydrate, total energy of 119.30 Kcal and 0.36 Kcal energy from fat. The PDF product was stored at room temperature for 20 days and sampling for microbiological tests every 5 days. It was found that the corn syrup and microwave heating could inhibited the growth of mold and yeast compared to the control sample.
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