The Study of a Coding Learning Management though the Problem-Based Approach to Promote Collaborative Problem-Solving Competency for Grade-10 Students.
Coding Learning, Problem based learning, Collaborative problem-solving competencyAbstract
This research aims to study the condition of coding learning management by using the problem-based approach to promote the collaborative problem solving and to compare the cooperative problem-solving performance of Grade-10 students both before and after the learning management. The research process is action research according to Kemmis & Schmuck's concept, divided into 4 steps: Step 1 Plan, Step 2 Act, Step 3 Observe and Step 4 Reflect. The sample used in the research were students in Mathayomsuksa 4/1 of Kasetsart University Laboratory School Kamphaeng Saen Campus Educational Research and Development Center, 35 people by using Cluster Sampling method. The research findings were as follows: 1) The study of coding learning management by using problem-based learning to promote cooperative problem-solving competency for Mathayomsuksa 4 students consisted of 6 steps: Step 1 defines Problems, step 2: understanding the problem, step 3, conducting studies, step 4 synthesizing knowledge, step 5 summarizing and evaluating answers, and step 6, presenting and evaluating. 2) Comparison of cooperative problem-solving performance of Mathayomsuksa 4 students between before and after learning from coding learning management (Coding) using problem-based learning management The ability to choose an appropriate action to solve problems was 57 percent of which had a high level of performance.
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