The Development of Learning Activities on Growing Vegetables in a New Way through the Participation of Network Partners in Ban Huai Duan, Rang Phikun Subdistrict, Kamphaeng Saen District, Nakhon Pathom Province
Learning Activities, Growing Vegetables in a New Way, Network PartnersAbstract
This action research aimed to develop and reflect the outcomes of innovative learning activities focused on vegetable cultivation, with the active involvement of network partners in Ban Huai Duan, Rang Phikun Subdistrict, Kamphaeng Saen District, Nakhon Pathom Province. The research followed three distinct phases: 1) preparation, 2) design and implementation, and 3) conclusion and reflection on results. The participants were divided into three sectors: 1) Three lecturers from Kasetsart University served as researchers, along with nine master of Arts students in Human and Community Resource Development from the Faculty of Education and Development Sciences, acting as co-operatives; 2) Four network partners played the role of cooperatives; and 3) One leader and 30 farmers constituted the target group and participants. Data collection involved skill tests and satisfaction questionnaires. Following the completion of the activities, the results were summarized and reflected upon through interviews and group discussions. Data analysis utilized percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis techniques.
The findings indicate that network partners actively engaged in developmental learning activities related to innovative vegetable cultivation methods, specifically focusing on simple hydroponic techniques for home use. The learning process unfolded across five bases: 1) planting seeds, 2) mixing liquid fertilizer, 3) transplanting, 4) maintenance, and 5) processing. The target group demonstrated practical skills at a moderate level, with the highest level of satisfaction. Following the implementation, the follow-up work achieved a commendable level. Reflecting on the results revealed that the activity is both interesting and applicable to daily life, contributing to reduced household expenses. Recommendations include extending these activities to other communities within the university's academic service area.
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