The Study of Mathematical Problem Solving Ability after Learning Through SSCS Model Together with Team-Pair-Solo Technique At Kannasootsuksalai School, Suphanburi Province.


  • Weerut Kaewnasang Faculty of Education and Development Sciences, Kasetsart University Kamphaengsaen Campus, Thailand.
  • Kanitha Chaowatthanakun Faculty of Education and Development Sciences, Kasetsart University Kamphaengsaen Campus, Thailand.
  • Sangduan Charoenchim
  • Thanapong Tangthamniyom 4Kannasootsuksalai School, Suphanburi, Thailand


The objectives of this study were: 1) to study the achievement of grade 3 students learning withSSCS model together with the use of cooperative learning strategy based on Team-Pair- Solo technique in studying Quadratic Equations comparing with 70 percent criteria 2) to study the mathematics ability in problem solving and 3) to survey satisfaction level in learning activities The samples were selected using simple random sampling form 48 of grade3 room 8 students in a classroom of 1st semester of academic year 2019 of Kannasootsuksalai School, Suphanburi Province. The research toolsconsisted of 1) Lesson plan using SSCS model together with the use of cooperative learning strategy based on Team-Pair-Solo technique in Quadratic Equations 2) Mathematics ability in problems solving test in Quadratic Equations 3) Quadratic Equations achievement test and4) Satisfaction survey questionnaire on learning activity using SSCS model together with the use of cooperative learning strategy based on Team-Pair-Solo technique

The research showed that 1) The achievement of students in studying Quadratic Equations after the activity was higher than the 70 percent criteria with the statistical significance of.05. 2) The mathematics ability in problems solving in Quadratic Equations was at ‘Very Good’ level with the average score of 7.81 And 3) The satisfaction in learning activity was at ‘Highest’ level.


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